

Page history last edited by Lauren Rosen 10 years, 1 month ago

Flip It! Gain Time to Apply Knowledge & Differentiate with Flipped Lessons


Natalia Roberts, UW-La Crosse, roberts.nata@uwlax.edu

Lauren Rosen, University of Wisconsin, lrosen@wisc.edu

Deana Zorko, Madison West High School, dzorko@madison.k12.wi.us


Textbook Resources


Technologies to Create Lessons



Sample Flipped Lesson "Lectures":


  • TeachEm: Create a video lecture with flashcards interspersed in video to capture students attention to particular details, vocabulary, or ideas that they should notice.  
  • Knowmia: Create assignments using text and video followed by comprehension questions. Lots of options and preferences available so bit more complex than the other options.
  • Educreations: blank whiteboard to which you can add photos, text, drawings, etc. and audio record your descriptions. 
  • ShowMe: blank whiteboard to which you can add photos, text, drawings, etc. and audio record your descriptions. 
  • Educanon: add questions to an instructional video.
  • Movenote: upload slides, documents, graphics, or anything in Google drive. Then narrate it with video that will go along with your presentation.  
  • Sophia


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